10 Tips to motivate participants in an eLearning environment
10 Tips to motivate participents in a eLearn environment

Motivation in online learning is one of the biggest challenges. But there are few things that we can do to improve the experience of the learners. Try out the few tips that we have put together and share your experience with us.
1. Try using different teaching methods, NOT only video & exercise
2. Use simple gamification elements to create engagement
3. Challenge participants by giving them some tasks which help them grow. This would be better done by creating a learning path and the challenge is done based on the completion of a specific objective.
4. Call the participant when required. This removes the feeling that they are not interacting with the computer but with people
5. Provide feedback to the participants according to their progress. When the participants provide feedback take action and communicate accordingly
6. Create automated messages while they reach a specific milestone in the course
7. Send them a handwritten postcard for top performers
8. Provide live webinar sessions which will bring participants to one place online
9. Make it very easy for the participant to reach you (phone / WhatsApp / email) and respond asap
10. Making the participant feel important & special whenever possible
Source: O4learn